MilkyWay – 2023 {online} Newborn Retreat
Don’t miss the chance to take your newborn and maternity sessions (and confidence!) to the next level! Our 25 ah-mazing instructors will be sharing…
- New workflow ideas for smoother sessions
Enjoy INSTANT Access!
No need to book childcare or pay for expensive airfare—
stay home in your comfy pants and learn new posing, lighting, wrapping + styling ideas to elevate your work, bring more creativity to your sessions and feel more confident than ever.
New to our Retreats?
Here’s how it works…
1. It all happens online.
Get every lesson
from every instructor—
ready with the click of a mouse any time you want to watch.
2. Learn on YOUR schedule
You can watch (and rewatch) as much as you wish! Prioritize what sounds interesting & exciting to you, move on to other lessons when you’re ready for more.
You’ve got what it takes…
it just doesn’t always feel like it.
And guess what? That’s okay.
But those big dreams you have for your newborn photography business are totally possible
—you just might need a little help along the way.
Whether you’re feeling eager to keep learning at any phase in your career, or if you’re overwhelmed & confused with little details that sneak up on you and add stress during your shoots, or like you’re stuck in a rut and you just need a little inspiration to shake you out of your funk …
There’s no shame in any of it.